April 21, 2008

ooooooh! BAD KITTIES!!!

Bad, BAD kitties!
These two beautiful sweet kitties

are about to have their heads handed to them. Look at them! They know what they did...

I was cleaning up LO’s room and discovered that someone had decided to turn her basket of play silkies into a litter box. Nasty little poos and sprinklin’s of pee all over LO’s beloved silkies. So I throw them into a basin and drown them-No, NOT the cats, the silks-in anti cat pee juice and of course the colors start to bleed immediately even though I’ve washed them a million times. I quickly separate them out from each other. Not before they stained the washing machine though!!!

What’s IN those silks?!?!?! LO and I finished washing each separate one in the basin outside- OH YEAH!!!! IT’S 52 degrees and SUNNY out TODAY!!!!! SPRING DONE SPRUNG!!!!- and hung them on the line to dry. Some are fine and some are now friggin’ tie-dyed.
Well it’s my own damn fault. My least favorite chore? CAT CRAPPER. I thought, ”Oh, they’ll be fine until I can get a new box of litter in the morning.” Uh-duh. Poor innocent silkies. Besides sticks and rocks, play silks are the BEST child’s toy. Versatile, portable, totally open ended, comforting... play silks. Which leads to my reparation for my cat box irresponsibility. I shall share the love and pass on a great web site that sells raw white silkies on the SUPER CHEAP! DHARMA TRADING. I think you can get a silk for like $3 bucks. Just like Sarah’s silks. And it’s so fun to dye them with the kiddos. We’ve used natural dyes as well as kool-aide, to get those more “un-natural” colors.


Cuz now our silks are fresh as a day in May....


  1. BAD KITTIES!!!!!! I agree. ;)

    I bought a bunch of beautiful balls of wool a while back and my kitties ripped the bags open and had most of it destroyed before I realized what they had done.

    I. WAS. SO. MAD!!!!

  2. YES!!! They did that, too! I woke up this morning and they had my daughter's little mushroom knitter yarn balls unraveled everywhere! And they also attacked our felted easter chick and eggs! WHAT is the deal?!?!?
