April 25, 2008

The Surreal World.

Oooooooooooh, never mind! Winter's back. Swell. Someone's playing games with the Alaskans.
This was taken 2 days ago:

My little one was out on the deck in her underware and kuspuk playing in the warm sunshine. Dea took advantage of the glorious sunlight to work on a school art project.

This is NOW:

I Shite you not.
Poor kid. She was saying,"Mommy... I. Cant. Get. My. Bike.To. Move!!!". 3 inches already and more expected all weekend. This is one bizzare, irresolute, seasonal changeover and it's wreaking havoc with our brains and rhythyms!!!
SEE?!?!?! Huz and LO are making an appeal to the Snow Gods and the Spring Lady.

The last snowman of the year?

Earlier today we had set out to the grocery store and then for a treat at a local cafe. We had to turn back because the road was a luge. So we had our own cafe treat at home.

Hot Coccoa with ice cream and sprinkles. So THERE.


  1. I sat there in my room watching the snow coming down and though it was pretty it was so depressing. Not in April.

  2. PLEASE speak to the snow gods and spring lady for us Idahoans too. It was gorgeous Wednesday, blizzarding Thursday, blowing like crazy Friday, and shorts and tshirt weather today. Whatever.


  3. Forgot to say.....cute snowman. ;)
