May 20, 2008


ARRRRRGGGH! Jeez! Wouldn't ya know I'd have trouble uploading pictures during a week of photography! I don't know what's going on but hopefully I'll figure it out. So for now, the only pics I could get up: Lo's night light and stuff. And Carter, Huz's groovy stuffed chicken from when he was a boy(60's). Lo was really into him for awhile but then she broke up with him. Now her fave is Lamby. Maybe on purple day she'll show up. If I can get this junk up on the blog!!!


*The antique mask is one of 4 that we've bought on our trips to Mexico. This one was from our honeymoon to remind us of the fabulous weather and hedonism during our Alaskan winters. It was used for celebrations and ceremonies. I love the amethyst eyes!


  1. That is definitely one groovy chicken! Love it!

    I'm enjoying this color week thing, by the way. :)

  2. I will have to direct Mom to the blog to check out the chickie!
