June 5, 2008

GOING GREENER-Thurday's recipe

"Right now over 70 percent of the world population is convinced that something serious has to be done about the dangers facing the planet. ...Most of humanity wants to know how to make the change. It's one of those tipping-point times where things can change unbelievably fast... "

~Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson, The Cultural Creatives

We are living in tumultuous times. Senseless war, global warming, failing economy,genocide,overpopulation, corporate greed, desensitized and plugged in children...... Overwhelming, depressing, almost all-encompassing. But I shant get out the noose yet! I've always aspired to live a peaceful green lifestyle but I've gone on and off the wagon in years past. The intention is always there but getting locked in an ADDers routine, stress, apathy, hectic times have sometimes gotten in the way. I'm so thankful for my sweathearted Huz who has always been very eco-minded. His passion and peaceful resovle has been an inspiration and helped keep me on track. But I will admit for the first time in my life, I'm striving for a greener lifestyle out of fear. Fear for my family and our finances, fear for the earth and the future of mankind. It's lighting the fire under my ass, so to speak. So I'm making a pledge to remain viligent on the road to living a more sustainable, peaceful, eco-revering, tree-huggin' lifestyle. And I'm taking my kids with me, ha! There are many things we can be incorporating into our lives that cost nothing or just chump change to implement and that's where we'll start. Then as our financial picture continues to improve, there are ideas that will require an initial output of $cashola$-purchasing or making our own wind turbine, designing our new addition to best utilize passive solar energy, and more.

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.

~Anwar Sadat

So here is a look at what we have done, and plan to do, for ourselves, our children and the future. I'll probably be coming back to this post and adding new things.

attachment parenting
bake bread
cloth diapers
cloth bags
cloth napkins
computer recycle
cultivate mindfulness
dye yarn/wool
figure out our Carbon Footprint
free cycle
free entertainment
garden organically
give thanks
grow herbs
handmade gifts
handmade toys
hang laundry
home health care
make good use of our library
make medicines
ink cartridge recycle
promote midwifery and natural childbirth
Low flow toilets
Hand wash dishes
Promote exercise and good nutrition in children
practice mindfulness
repurposed crafting
recycled pets! Humane Society adoptions
wash laundry on cold
wilderness conservation
wilderness fieldtrips

bike to work one day a week-ambitous Huz!!! 7 miles and 2000+ft down a mountainous road and 20 more into town!!!
donate more to charities
better educated purchasing
join food co-op
give MORE thanks!
Buy locally grown produce
make medicines
make natural homecare supplies
passive solar heating/cooling
practice MORE mindfulness
scavenge for toymaking supplies
slow down
use bio-fuels
use public transport
buy whole foods
wild crafting

And now, Thursday's Recipe- In honor of Going Greener and switching to hand made all natural home care products. For all you Waldorfy Mamas and kids who love natural wood toys and much as we do:

Delicious lavender bergamot WOOD POLISH

* 4 ounces oil (2 1/2 ounces olive oil or jojoba, 1 1/2 ounces coconut oil)

* 1 ounce beeswax

* 1 ounce carnauba wax
* 4 ounces distilled water

* 1 teaspoon each: lavender, orange, lemon, and bergamot essential oils

Melt the oils and waxes in a double boiler over medium heat. Remove from the heat, pour in the water, and mix with a hand mixer until thick and creamy. Dab some cream onto a soft cotton rag and rub into the furniture. Leave on for 10-20 min then buff and polish until the oils are well worked into the wood.

You'll have a room full of toys that smell heavenly!


  1. Oooh, I think I have all the ingredients to make the polish...lavender free, of course! ;)

    Everything you said is what we also think of and how we try to live our lives. There are so many things we do now, and more we are always working to improve, or add to that list. We are lucky that we live in an area so rich with organic foods, natural trades, craftspeople, and artisans - giving us so many choices! :)

  2. I want to try that polish. This is such an inspiring list. It made me think about how living a more sustainable lifestyle also is just a great way to enjoy a higher quality of life.

  3. oh boy...love the list...and we do all right on some of it...but our carbon footprint is out of this world...we just recently figured it out. it can be challenging to live remote, but work outside the home...we will have to change that!

    and yes your Huz is definitely ambitious...holy moly...that bike ride will keep you in shape for sure.

    we will give that polish a try on some of our wood toys...love lavender.

  4. What a great list - must be in the air as I wrote my list yesterday too! Although I think you guys are ahead of us. And love the polish recipe - divine!

  5. I love your lists! What you have done and what your planning.
    We've done some things, but I am feeling the same fear as you. I must do more. I want to put up a clothes drying line outside and solar panels. My husband always tell me their so expensive, well... Also been thinking about rain barrels to collect the roof run off to water the garden. You have some great idea on your list. I'll have to place some on my list of "to do's."
    Thanks for the great post!:)

  6. Your lists are almost identical to ours. There's always so many ways to improve the quality of life for our future generations.

  7. Hey, I recognize so many things on your list!

