July 4, 2008

HAPPY 4TH and other good things


Here's to hope, renewal, and revitalization(OBAMA!) within our country in the coming year.

Yahoo! My work is being featured on the cover of the current issue of Alaska Women Speak Magazine!

"AWS prints the writing of women from Barrow to Sitka. The viewpoints are from individuals who are part of a rainbow of cultural, ethical, racial and social backgrounds - all with the experience of living in Alaska. Some women grew up in Alaska, many did not; add a dimension of growing in different parts of Alaska or any state or country - and yet we call ourselves Alaskan.
Alaska Women Speak has a Theme for each issue. The theme or topic serves as a catalyst for the writing. Each person brings their experiences and Alaskan perspective to each journal resulting in articles of great variety.
Since 1992 much of the history of AWS as an organization is the wonderful women who have been involved in this volunteer-based magazine

One of the editors is a client and she liked the painting that I had in my session room. She asked if I would be willing to put it on their cover. Not my best work-it really was just a liitle something to add some color to my room. They had asked me right at the deadline to come up with an artist's statement/bio-they needed it right now! I had never even thought of an "artist's statement" and had no idea what to write. So I pulled this weirdness from out of the recesses(and my blog bio):

RunninL8 is a mommy of 2, massage therapist, evolving artist , seeker..., toymaker, tree hugger, outside playing, warm rain and soil under her bare feet loving, Celtic Zen Gnostic Neo-Eco-Pagan Syncretist Silly-ist. She has been creating as far back as she can remember. Her artistic expression has taken many forms: photography, drawing, writing, watercolor painting, jewelry design, fiber art, acrylics…-and is indicative of the environment and emotions surrounding her and within her own inner landscape. She recently introduced herself to acrylic paints and they have been exploring and playing ever since.
This piece, Virksha Dance, is one of her first tentative approaches and was created to bring a bit of color and whimsy to her massage session space. It is a reminder of the dance between working both grounded in the physical and suspended in the etheric.
Her writing and photography can be found weaving in and out of daily life at http://www.mountainpulse/

blah, blah,blah.

'Tis exciting!


  1. Very exciting...some well deserved recognition! Happy 4th!

  2. Congrats! It looks great!! So nice that you get the cover spot, you deserve it! Enjoy... and Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Congratulations!!! That is so great. The art is beautiful; perfect for the cover and your artist's statement is great. It's approachable and informative without being pretentious.

  4. Congrats. Looks like the perfect piece for that spot. :)

  5. congratulations! that is very exciting.

  6. 'Tis very exciting. It's so fun to have some recognition for what we do. The more I know about you the more I like you:)

  7. 'Tis exciting for sure! Congrats! You deserve it, and the cover is beautiful.

  8. Fantastic - how wonderful for you!

  9. Very cool! Congratulations.

  10. Wow! i really wasn't expecting such kind words! Thanks so much for the encouragement-I really take that to heart. your a buncha sweethearts!
