July 16, 2008


Well, now that I've sullied my blog...let's clean it up a bit!
(and again, thanks for seeing me through yesterday's BS.)


We had the pleasure of spending some time on a couple lakes over the 4th weekend. On the 4th we went to a rather surreal party thrown by one of Huz's clients. Really nice people with a house on Horseshoe Lake-a very strange group of party goers, though(the Client's employees). For a "Family Party" there was a lot of cussin', drinkin', folks missing teeth, and big gals showing more soiled brazziere then tank-top. Didn't stay long! We enjoyed a canoe trip to explore the lake and for a Forth of July weekend it was surprisingly calm! Huz's client mentioned having some other property on the lake though, so we may be talking about purchasing some. I would love to spend some weekends on WATER.

We are here up in the gorgeous mountains but I do miss the water. Especially the ocean. Mountains and ocean are in my SOUL... but few places to find them together! I was thrilled to see that the lake was filled with lilly pads! Always been one of my favorite things to photograph...

That Sunday's dinner party was a complete 180! One of Huz's peers in food service- a wonderful restaurateur served up a yummy storm on their deck. Right on another lake! More lily pads, ducklings and canoe rides.

There was lots of tie-dying going on last week! Dea and Lo dyed up some tees for a friend's birthday and then we tried a cool craft that I found on Crafty Crow. Tie dying with sharpies. That was a lot of fun! I put a new twist on it by outlining the main circle with black. Lo thought it looked like a flower, outlined the rest and drew stems. One could take this project in a lot of directions! I'll post a pic of the finished product later...

I took Dea out to celebrate that "special" time ;) in an adolescent girls life... We went to the salon for a little waxing fun! Yet NOT fun! She was pleased with the results and I'm glad I'm not the one ripping wax strips off her face anymore! Then off with her to the fabulous MODERN DWELLERS chocolate DEN!!! Drinking chocolate and truffles-what more could a girl want? Dea had the Mint Breezy truffle and I boldly ordered the Salmon Surprise.

Yes, you read and see correctly. Salmon. Chocolate. Close your mind to what each one IS and just let the FLAVORS marry on your tongue. Hey, it's chocolate! Of course it was GOOD! Just...different with that bit of gold power covered salmon on top. Next time I'm going for the Tokyo Tango: Ginger and wasabi ganache with nori and ginger on top! Yes indeed!


  1. I've always told my husband if I could live on a lake with a mountain view I would be in heaven!
    I saw the Crafty Crow sharpie project, it looked very cool!
    Dea looks beautiful and the chocolate salmon... I would have to pass on that! lol

  2. The lake pictures just exude serenity! Oh and I LOVE Lo's little pouch-how funny!

  3. Those photos of the lake are gorgeous! That chocolate place sounds delicious.

  4. Your girls are so pretty, you know that??? :)

    Lily pads, ducklings, and lakes...what a perfect combination.

    The photo of Lo baby wearing is so adorable!

    Oh, and lol on the waxing. My girls and I go do that together too. I wish it was more fun!

    And I'm completely intrigued with the tie dying with sharpies. Keep us posted on that!

  5. Thanks for the complements!

    I was wondering what you guys were seeing in Lo's photo! She's actually wearing a tanktop over her longsleeve shirt. That's a pink butterfly on her shirt. But on second look it does look like she's wearing a little pink baby!

  6. amazing photos! mmmmm......water...ocean...river...lake...pond...mmmmmm.

    chocolate and salmon, huh. who would've guessed.

  7. Ouch on the waxing! We won't be doing that when my girlies get their moons, but I will being sewing them organic moon pads and taking them to the moon lodge.

    Moon Blessings to Dea.

  8. Gorgeous header!! What a sunset?
    I have been meaning to watch that movie again... Thanks for the reminder...

  9. LIZZ- I do wish I could have done something a little more spiritual with Dea as well. Not quite sure what a moon lodge is, tell me about it?


    GWEN- thanks for stopping by! I saw your comment on dawns site and I quickly checked out your blog and can't wait to get the time to go back and peruse at my leisure!
