August 31, 2008


Conspiracy theories abound!

Regarding the Bristol Palin pregnancy rumor, for your entertainment (Gleaned from GAWKER):

When rumors surfaced Friday that John McCain's pretty new totally un-vettedrunning mate Sarah Palin's eldest daughter Bristol was the real mother of her Down Syndrome-afflicted infant son Trig, and that she had merely pretended — not very effectively at first! — to be pregnant with the child to cover up Bristol's terrible scarlet shame, our first thought was 1. Yeah right ha ha now get me another Black N Tan followed closely by 2. But what a rich premise for a quirky premium cable comedy on the unending travails of/unachievable demands placed on the corruption-fighting Christian mom governor from Alaska!* But someone else with better Photoshop skills thought up that same joke. Which made us realize, is the basis of this scurrilous rumor nothing but an obvious pun? As it turns out, "um probably yes"! Because we just heard from Josh Moffet, a 19-year-old Seward, Alaska resident a tipster alerted us had been involved in a car accident with Bristol when she "would" have been seven months pregnant with baby Trig. We already know her mother was not showing much bump action around that time. But was Bristol?
Via MySpace mail of course:
"Hi Maureen, Honestly I was a little distracted with her safety rather than her stomach. I don't recall her being pregnant at all, she may have been wearing a coat. No one else at the scene of the accident mentioned the word pregnant so I would say that either no one noticed or she wasn't pregnant. I do find it odd, I don't support McCain, but I don't see what this has to do with him. The public should realize how bad of a politician he is, and not try to dig up dirt on everyone that he associates with. Don't you think that it's probably hard enough having a mentally challenged child (regardless who it might have come out of) to take care of."


  1. When will the posters be available??!!

  2. Love the poster, how funny.

    But it IS good to think about getting back to the issues and away from the personal stuff. Can't help it though, it's hard to get past the 'out-there-ness' of the Palin choice. I appreciated your dialogue with Loring, and the other comments as well.

  3. this is great...i had to laugh out loud and then show it to my husband.

    you have some great things to say here about is good to have the other side...

    we have been hounded with questions...and I just shake my head...everyone keeps saying, "...your governor is running with mccain..." as if we are best friends...hell we are no longer in alaska. the one good thing about this is that alaska is now included in the UNITED STATES...hee :)

    i am really am loving your take on this whole circus! i will continue to read and refer people to your site to know more!
