September 2, 2008

Highlight of our trip #2- The Jersey Shore

Ahhhhhhh, my beach fix. I love the dramatic and sometimes dangerous waters of the Jersey shore, the salt air, and long anticipated bright hot sun. I know both girls loved this part of our trip best! What a fun time in the sea and sand with the cousins!


  1. They look like they're having a fantastic time! I can almost imagine the warm squishy sand between my toes.

  2. Aaaahhh!! that water looks so refreshing right now. 90 degrees here in Michigan. Ugh! I think it's what they call Indian Summer.
    I'm ready for some 60 degree stuff!!!
    How's Dea liking school so far?

  3. She's loving it! A lot of exciting stuff going on this year for her. She's working in the Cult Cafe at school(it's an elective class-part business mngmt-part audio/visual class. Not sure how the 2 go together, but...)She's in x-country running, and just generally happy with her new teachers. She'a an independent learner and a good student.
    And you and yours?

  4. sweet photos. a beach fix is essential at least once every summer.

  5. Great photos! It looks warmer than Maine!

  6. Great photos!

    And see? Water at a beach you can actually GO INTO without risk of some neurological damage or parasitic infection. Now THAT is summer fun! ;) Ha.

  7. I agree with Lisa Anne.........

