September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin speaks... and Republicans eating their own!!!

Sarah Palin speaks at Wasilla Assembly of God:

Republican strategists Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan and some hot mics!:


  1. You did it! Let's hope they're right about it being over!!!

    Do you suppose the rambo, flag bikini, look will take hold this Halloween? :)

  2. It bugs me that I can never see this video, no matter where it's posted. My dumb laptop.

    But I read the transcript of it, so I got the gist.

    I think McCain was more compelling last night - he didn't turn my stomach the way she did. Well I haven't finished watching his yet, so there's still opportunity.

    Good idea about the flag bikini carrying an assault weapon for Halloween, Sharon!

  3. Sharon that's So funny! I was thinkin of going as Palin. I saw a political cartoon of her with gun and baby and beauty pagent sash....Thought that would be perfect! If I find that toon I'll post it!
    I shant go in the bikini though. I think those days ar over now that my belly looks like a shar pei's ass. Pregnancy and all.

  4. Yeah, you wouldn't catch me in a bikini either! :)
