November 21, 2008

JIVE turkey!!!! The Queen has gone a-foul!!!

*I posted this on WE'RE NOT THAT STUPID but it is so outrageous and funny I had to post it here, too!!!

Holy Christ All the Mighty, this broad is a spectacular TWIT. After returning to Alaska after the election, Palin made her obligatory stop to the office to briefed on the alarming state of her kingdom since her absence. She then promptly whisked off to warmer climes to hold court poolside over the genuflecting media. She couldn't be bothered to honor our veterans on Veteran's Day. She was MIA for our Education Summit. But she DOES see the value and importance of spending her time pardoning Tom the Turkey at the Triple D Turkey Farm in Wasilla.

Pardoning a fuckin' turkey.

BEHOLD!!! Here's the Queen Palin being interviewed after the pardoning, gabbling like a turkey herself with her hackneyed platitudes-while turkeys are being slaughtered in the background! When asked if that background was alright for the videoing, Palin, who professed during the pardoning to be "Friend to all creatures great and small…” replied,"No worries!" ...What must those poor wolf pups in Heaven be thinking....

I don't think that's coffee in her environmentally unfriendly cup. That's a triple hot toddy, there, fer shur. You BETCHA!

Check out Joe the Slaughterer back there! Hysterical!

WARNING: Video is a bit grizzly

Is it just the quality of the video, or has the skin on The Queen's face fallen? Hint to The Queen: Drag makeup doesn't hide that shit!!! Ever see the end of Death Becomes Her?!?!?


  1. Did you see the comments on youtube??? I bet most of the people whining will be munching out on turkey come Thanksgiving, they just don't want to know where their food comes from....wimps.

  2. You know, I love a politician doing interviews "in the field" so to speak, but standing in front of someone bleeding out turkeys? That's just...unprecedented!

    My husband worked on some of the special effects in Death Becomes Her...they're gruesome even when you know they're fake!

  3. Oh Wow! great site. I living in South East and write a political blog. What a beautiful place you live! Peace fellow Alaskan!

  4. Hey- Are you sure that isn't Tina Fey on crack!!!???? Love your site, but I have to call you. Thank the Lord this little twit is not the Vice-President Elect!!!

  5. from a PR standpoint, one might give Palin the benefit of the doubt... but seriously, she might consider her surroundings a bit more before she goes on interviews that millions will end up watching

  6. Thank God she won't be anywhere near the White House. And as for pardoning of turkeys... I think it's ridiculous. Unless a governor is willing to declare a vegetarian Thanksgiving, it's just a weird dark joke. As evidenced by this video. (PS- I'm not a vegetarian, but we try to buy humanely raised meat.)

  7. Oh dear yes I saw this over at Huffington Post I think.

  8. How do the insane ones always end up in parliment?
    Is it them or us?
    Either way they're all nuts! XXxx
