January 3, 2009

Out of the mouth of babes....

(Driving home from shopping)

Lo: Something smells like poops!

Me: Did someone fart?!

Dea: MOMMY?!?!!!!

Me: It wasn't me. You know I'll TELL you when it's me. I have NO shame. Lo, was it YOU?

Lo: Don't call me, Lo. My name is Ariel(The Little Mermaid)!!!

Me: Ok, ARIEL, did you fart?

Dea: Ariel doesn't fart! She's a "lady"!

Lo: Ariel doesn't fart because she doesn't have a BUTT!!!!!


We are SO bad.......


  1. Awesome! We have a lot of potty humor around here, too. Mostly from us parents, though.

  2. giggle...giggle...giggle...
    kids are awesome...and the things they say keep us light hearted and less serious!

    oh and I love that last photo! looks like something we would do to our boys'...BIG GRINS!

  3. Kids are so funny! Tooting seems to be a popular topic of conversation in my house as well. hehe

  4. hee hee hee. i love it.

  5. We watched Disney's Sleeping Beauty over the holiday (the first movie we've ever watched with the kids, though they've seen others elsewhere) and now my daughter keeps singing, "Hail to the princess, hail to the princess, hail to the princess Aurora!" and every once in a while I'll point at one of them at say "blue!" and they immediately point and say "pink!"

    I don't think Aurora or the fairies have butts either :-)

  6. Funny! When my daughter was four she started using the word fart A LOT and I told her that she was smart and could be more creative with her language and she didn't have to use the word fart so much. So she started calling farts "Little Mermaids"! it is still a code word for us today. Whoops, that was a Big Mermaid!

  7. Oh my God!!! How funny! Buddy loves the pic of Willa "Ariel". He says that she is going to be beyond beautiful as a young lady. I agree! She has the most unique, amazing face and smile.

  8. Oh god, that is hilarious! We love farts and poop and all things potty:)
    Maybe laying off the booze would help with the mermaid gas! lol...

  9. Hahahahaha!!! Oh my goodness! That picture is wonderful!

  10. So cute and wonderful!! I love conversations like these!
