February 12, 2009

Things I SHOULD HAVE done...but didn't.

I'm typing this 2/12/09: I think there was some confusion with my origional weird rambly post! Just to clarify- I have no prob with the pic! The problem was that I SHOULD have just kept the waxin' appointment BEFORE the license renewal because it would have been hysterical to have a license picture with a red stash and brows!!!!
But I took the vain way out and rescheduled the appointment so that the pic would look "nice". Who cares about nice? We want FUNNY, yes?!?
So I attempted to create the redness on the 2nd license pic with Photoshop to give everyone an idea of what it would look like.
Didn't come out so great.

Thing # 4387583:

I should have kept my brow and upper lip torture wax appointment before going to the DMV to renew my license.

I had switched them when I realized that I would be getting my picture taken with a red and smarting lip and brow area if I didn't. Can't have that! So I got my new licence with a lovely picture of me looking like I'm about to attack.

But why did I do that? Why did I switch the appointments? Was I in such a dour mood? I could have spent the next 5 years showing off my license to cops and booze sellers with a picture of me and my raw red philtrum and brows! So OBVIOUSLY freshly waxed! The very thing I was so unbelievably mortified about until I was, like, 34 .

How funny would that have been?!!!! A Groucho Marx impersonation right on my ID!!!
Like this! (The real thing looked worse, believe me)

But, no. I was shooting for a decent photo(are there EVER decent license photos?!?!) that I wouldn't have to cringe at for the next 5 years. WHO CARES ANYWAY??!!?
I could have provided lots of laughs...

Why did I change that appointment.


  1. Uh...I could not see any upper lip hair in that photo. ;) We're always toughest on ourselves though. That's a pretty good picture for a DMV photo...definitely better than what the red upper lip would have looked like.

  2. I think that's pretty hot for a DMV photo :-)

    We finally got our Idaho licenses, and mine was a relief after my horrible NY one...the one with the chopped, short haircut my neighbor inflicted on me. In this one I actually somewhat resemble my inner picture of myself, and that's pretty rare!

  3. So what's the problem? It's great! People's drivers' license photos are notoriously bad, you just broke the trend.

  4. No, no! No prob with the pic! The problem was that I SHOULD have just kept the waxin' appointment BEFORE the license renewal because it would have been hysterical to have a license picture with a red stash and brows!!!!
    but I took the vane way out and rescheduled the appointment so that the pic would look "nice". Who cares about nice? We want FUNNY, yes?!?
    So I attempted to create the redness on the license pic with Photoshop to give everyone an idea of what it would look like.

  5. But to me, that level of redness is just a wee bit o' sunburn. See this "implication of waxing" thing is beyond me, I'm just not metrosexual enough to wax antyhing.

  6. Fun to visit over here. You are ALWAYS funny and frisky!
