April 30, 2009

Finally! ...Spring arrives...

3 or 4 Black capped chickadees were scoping out this little birdhouse that Lo painted! Delightful to think of a family of birds to view, but I just stuck the birdhouse on this cut branch that is leaning in the corner of our deck-very precarious!!! We'll have to find away to secure the whole thing! It was wonderful to sit and watch them explore it while I sat in the sunshine and finished up Lo's new doll.

Unexpected beauty! Our forced branches that we glue-gunned tissue blossoms on are actually sprouting leaves!

The last few days have been GLORIOUSLY sunny and warm! 60 degrees! The snow is melting fast up on the mountains and I'm amazed at how quickly our yard melted! Within 3 days we experienced The Melting(a noticeable diminish in snow pack), The Rivers(suddenly that melt is released and our property and driveway are inundated with little riverlets), and now we are in The Bog phase(still can't kneel on the ground without getting your pants wet). Usually this is drawn out for a week or two or four. Not so this year! And it's nice. Around this time last year we had experienced similar gorgeous days that had us out on the deck playing and doing projects in shorts and tanks. And then WHAM! we got hit with 17 inches of snow! Mindblowing! HERE is the page of posts on this freak snowstorm(scroll down). Now, a year and 1 week later, we have been out on the deck drinking in the warmth and light, working on party favors for Lo's Birthday party on Sunday .

I CAN'T even imagine a snowstorm happening now.And we're finally starting to see those welcome signs of Spring! Yay! We're catching up to everyone out there in the blogoshpere who have been talking about springtime for WEEKS!!!!

Lo was begging to get her ears pierced for her Birthday(Too young! Already went that route with Dea who couldn't stomach the maintenance!) so we settled on a new hair cut-looped about 5 inches off!


  1. Yay for spring! I'm glad yours finally came. :) LO looks adorable with her new haircut. Happy Birthday!!

  2. Isn't it great to finally feel like we can talk about spring. I actually got a little sun burn this weekend. Windows open, thought about planting..ahhhh then it started to rain.

    Sweet sweet birdhouse..but it does look a bit precariously balanced.


  3. I'm curious, what are those colorful things that the Spring fairy on your deck is painting?
    The new hair cut is very cute!

  4. Lo looks so cute with her new haircut. Those warm, spring Alaska days sound wonderful.

  5. Lo's new haircut is darling.

    I had no idea chickadees were so teeny tiny. I hope you are able to secure the birdhouse before they become permanent residents. It would be fun to watch them live there throughout the summer.
