May 15, 2009

Back from The Dead!

OK!!! SECOND time around!!!! I had just about finished this post when I hit some friggin' key that erased everything...... I finally get to sit down at the box to post, after a busy week, and....gggggrrrrrrr! WASTE of time!!!!

It's been just too nice out with the boomin' sun warming our souls to be inside at the box or catching up on chores. After the solar deprivation of last year, I'm taking it when I can, dammit. Mainlining that stuff. I have my new friend, Exceedingly Long Extension Cord, and I'm not beyond doing my woodworking, ironing, sewing, etc. OUTSIDE. However, I draw the line at dragging the computer outside. I was secretly hoping for a rainy day today(wouldn't want to offend the sun gods) so that I would have the excuse to be inside, do some posting and catch up reading, and get this house in order.

Whatev. On to the The Dead show at the Forum. The show was sick! SICK, I tell ye!!!! First, we had a friggin' blast with our friends Chantel and Rob who moved from Alaska to Cali a few months ago. We're feeling bummed about the distance. I don't know too many people who can make waiting at midnight in a parking lot outside the Santa Anna airport with a flat tire sans jack wrench for the repair guy to come fix it, a ripping story and laugh fest! The next morning we lounged, talked, swam in the pool , and dipped in the hot tub in their paradisical back yard before the temps hit 100 degrees +.

Did I mention they have awesome kids?

Then is was off for the 2 hour ride to the Forum. We got there about an hour early so that we could peruse Shakedown Street-the vending section of the parking lot-for unique t-shirts for the fam, beer, and handmade goodies.

I was hoping to end my search for a wicked hand blown glass pendant but there wasn't much there. I don't know if the "pro" vendors from years past are holding out for bigger venues or multi-day festivals, or if lot vending is just a dying thing. I'm glad I got to have a taste of it, though.

As I said, the show was phenomenal. Origionally up in the nosebleeds again, Huz managed to sneak us past security into the lower teir and better "seats"-a spot on the stairs next to some seats, actually. The sets included a 50 min. long jazzy, bluesy, rockin' improv, their older songs- some rarely played in the past, and a mindblowing soulpounding Drums set. They were just hot, tight, and jumpin'. Warren Haynes did a fantastic job stepping into Jerry's Garcia's shoes.

Huz , feeling skeptical about how the band would do after so many years and without Jerry, thought it was one of the best shows he's seen. And he has seen tons over the years. I am SO grateful(no pun intended) to have finally seen a show before they all go onto different journeys in life, and to have been able to experience it all with my Huz, my bestest friend. No better person to see a show with. Or anything, for that matter.

And a huge shout of Gratefulness to the folks next door and to the Nature Lady clan for taking on our kids while we were gone!


  1. So glad you had fun. It sounds like a once in a lifetime experience. I love that last photo...and that your hubby got you better "seats"....hee hee hee

  2. How fun!
    And without attachlings. How marvelous.
    (Just because you don't have to worry about them, not because they're not fun.)

  3. Wow, what kind words, considering the actual events of the weekend. ;) Did you get those pics?!?! They are KILLER! I have serious lens envy. I can't wait for Rob to look at this. I really love the self-shot of you and M. Did it even occur to me to offer to take a pic of you guys....whatever, another duh moment for me. I was so glad we didn't go....I knew I didn't have the stamina for the noise, crowds, STANDING....but after seeing your shots, well, next time....I wanna go. :)

  4. Chantel! I hope they stay alive long enough to tour again! ;) Yup, the pics are mine. i took a couple hundred and these were about the clearest that came out!
    And thanks again for EVERYTHING!!!!

  5. That sounds like so much fun! Glad you were able to get away with your huz for a bit.

  6. Wow! That looks like an amazing trip. I'm glad you had a good time! :)

  7. Wow. That sounds like a fantastic trip. Glad you had such a great time!

  8. Fabulous...the last time I saw the Dead was in Seattle the same summer that Jerry died...yikes.

    My brother is heading to the Gorge in Washington state to see The Dead, Doobie Brothers and the Allman Bros.---geesh..and I am going to my boys' soccer game & to my neices ballet recital...yippee!

    Glad you had a great time...your pics are wonderful!

  9. Fun! One of the few live rock concerts I've ever been to was the Dead in Las Vegas in the late 80's. And how funny -- the random music off hubby's computer that was playing when I pulled up this post? Sugar Magnolia!

  10. I know about seven people that were at that show, but asking if you saw 'em would be like saying, "You're from Chicago? My Uncle Vinnie is from Chicago, do you know him?" Anyway, sounds like a deadly time.
