December 9, 2009

Retro stocking stuffers!

Before I get started, I want to mention the funky new comment threading thang I found on my blog journeys. It's called IntenseDebate and it's a commenting system that enhances and encourages conversation (among other things) on your blog or website. Leave a comment and check it out! Fun or superfluous?

OMG. Remember that movie!?!?! That box office phantasm of roller rink lovin'?!! That excellent hijacking of 93 minutes of your life ?!!? XANADU!!!! ??????? Remember? Oliva Newton John and her AWESOME ribbon barrettes?!?!? Back.In.Style!!!!!!!!!! Made some for Lo recently. She LOVES 'em!

I lost the tutorial I set up :( and tis the season to have NO time to go back and do it over. So here is an instructional vid I found:
Who could forget Chinese jax! Move aside Rubix cube! HUGE in 5th grade! I spent much allowance money at the Ben Franklin store by my Grama's house buying up those bags of little plastic circle thingys! My friends and I had so much fun making cool color combos and playing-mostly at school. Portable fun!

And I just couldn't leave out the once-ubiquitous PET ROCK. Never had one, but...

I prefer a nice tumbled gem stone. No eyes.

(photo courtesy of flickr)

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