April 21, 2010

Work in Progress Wednesday

Since I missed posting a WIP last Wednesday, I'll post 2 today.

"Fugs!", you say! "Yes!", I concur. But fear NOT. This is merely the very BASE layer of this painting. I have no idea where this one will bring me, but I can guarantee it will be nowhere near what you see above. I'm currently playing with textures and layers. Stay tuned!

This one I started 2 years ago and recently dug it out. It will also be seeing more layers and a better blend of colors. Huz says the pink part looks like a boob. ~sigh. Now I all see is MAMMARY. Gonna have to fix that somehow...

I'm COMPLETELY stuck on the progress of my "bear"(from the last WIP post) and haven't been able to work on it since. Does that make me a STUCKIST? I think I'll just have to bite the bullet and ATTACK it. Turn off the left brain and dive into the right...

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