December 4, 2011

A wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

Zero degrees and sun-kissed trees
As always, an abundance of things to be so grateful for....and a wonderful day with friends to remind us that gratitude should be acknowledged on EVERY day... I hold strong in my heart a commitment to give a moment of time each day to take inventory and offer thanks.

Over the river and through the woods that morning we drove to our friends, the T's, house for a full day of cross-country skiing, football, visiting and eating.  I LOVED that we started our day with  good, hard, most fabulous skiing up on the Powerline/Blueberry hollow trails!  It was so beautiful...gently snowing...the mountains around us were obscured, forcing us to appreciate the immediate beauty around us.  It felt SO good to get that fresh air and exercise, come back to a hot shower, relax with an adult beverage and not feel guilty about the big meal to be consumed!  Those people that I've always seen out running, skiing, biking, etc. on the morning of a big holiday?  They got it goin' on!  It made the day THAT much more sweeter....a feeling of having really earned it!

The rest of our 4 day weekend was spent with friends-testing the wine we brewed together a couple years ago, skiing, snow shoeing, watching movies, and decorating the house for the holidays.

Leaning tower of cranberry sauce
Hillside view from our friend's home

The obligatory Thanksgiving nap
Eats at the ready
Pre-dinner dress up

The innards of my apple-cranberry pie
Decanted wine awaiting our verdict.  Needs to grow for a couple more years!
Amazing alpenglow from our house

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