February 10, 2012

Yet another "snow" day yesterday

Except, it was actually warm winds and rain that SNAFUed the roads, turning them into ice rinks and luge runs.  At least that was the story here in my town, but not so much in Anchorage where Willa goes to school.  While Willa's school stayed open, our area schools closed.  So we stayed home and enjoyed the day together.  Willa wanted to play dress-up...the kitchen and her room NEEDED to be cleaned.  So we donned our fancy cocktail dresses and shoes and did housework in style! 

We ended up unearthing the floor of her room once again and tidied the kitchen for some brownie making.  We also brainstormed a list of chores that Willa "enjoys" doing.  We feel it's time that Willa had a little more structure when it comes to helping around the house.  And, with MY brain and TERRIBLE housekeeping skills the structure is needed.  I want chores to go as smoothly as possible in that Willa develops an intrinsic desire to be a helpful member of the family as well as find some semblance of grace and community in it.  "Many hands make light work" is the adage they teach in Waldorf communities.  I figure we'll start with tasks that Willa seems to enjoy..helping chop veggies, feeding pets, squeegeeing the windows, folding laundry, etc. When done in tandem, she's a delight!  We'll see how this goes...  I admit I have been the WORST teacher in this respect....I need to adjust and find a rhythm and consistency in this just as much as Willa does!
Always creating, this kid.  Brownie making turned into Let's Make Egg Boats!!!

HEAR:  What the....?  Burt Bacharach?!?!  My dad's CD.....

SEE:  My little girl, stalled in her cleaning,with her head in her books.....

SMELL:  Warm brownies, of course.

TASTE:  A comforting warm milk and honey before bed...

FEEL:  Hot bloaty feet that need to be elevated and cooled off.  What's THAT about?  Note to self: NO MORE wearing high heals to clean.....

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