October 21, 2012

He escaped again!!!!

  Our Astoundingly Adventurous Amourous African Clawed Run Away Attack Frog!!!   Willa found Scoot the aquatic Frog mostly dried up and stuck behind the toilet this morning! Evidence tells us he journeyed from the confines of her room and across the house to make a desperate attempt at re-moisturizing in the cats' water bowl (so THAT'S what that wet blob of stringy, hair, lint and cat fur was that I found next to the bowl this morning!!!), and then back across to the kid's bathroom only to wedge himself between the toilet shelving and wall. What a surprise for Willa making her AM BM!!!! Scoot is now de-linted and recovering back in his tank. This would be escape attempt #5 in the last 4 years. The fact that he has not been devoured by the cats yet is beyond me....

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