November 17, 2012

Lantern Walk

Another lovely annual Lantern Walk at Willa's school.  This year, the event was not repeatedly impeded by foul weather.  Temps where in the high 20's, very comfortable with the various bon fires blazing and cups of hot cider.  It was a joyful occasion to finally have a permanent home for this yearly walk! After vacating our old downtown home at the end of school last year, everyone and thing "Winterberry"  is now settled on our campus in the university area.  Our brand new school nestled into the wooded trail system.
All the grade's lanterns where beautiful as usual, but the third grade's where truly exceptional!  Hand felted from raw wool, adorned with designs and each child's initials....they emitted the warmest glow....the light of the waning winter sun, captured.

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