March 23, 2013

Miles's 50th


After our 5k, picking up the keg of IPA, and heading home for a shower, we closed off Miles's first half century with a 12 hour oft-packed-house bash at our place!  I know it filled his heart to have so many friends show up throughout the day to show him the love.  He-well, WE- were in our element  amongst friends, kids everywhere, live music, food and libations in hands, on this brilliantly sunny day!  COLD, but warm if you got close enough to the fire outside...or stayed inside.  Our new room was like a solarium filled with folks in sunglasses.  People were really digging our new space-the first time most had seen our finished edition!   It was a pleasure to finally be able to host a big shindig....a room filled with happiness and fun.
Happy 50 years, my sweet man!  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was decorating our house in yellow crime tape, tombstones, and Over The Hill garb for your 40th?!?!  I love you beyond the are of my soul....and I am so blessed and grateful for you.

Prezzies and music with Eric Brindel

Love it!!!!

Party princesses

Scooch closer to that fire!
Me 'n my Girlie

Fast friends-so sweet!

Miles and his new white trash mason jar beer/wine glass! And that cake is lookin'.....wavy.

Dear Peter and Ute

Superman patiently awaiting his piece of cake

I heart this guy
Daddy and his little/big girl
Not quite sure what the.........

Much new glasswear to go with all the bottles of scotch Miles was gifted!  Not that you would drink scotch in THESE things......

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