May 10, 2013

Most embarassing moment

I had to dig a bit for this one.  Either I've repressed my really embarrassing moments....or I really haven't had too terribly many of them.  It seems in the last decade, I've become more chill about these unfortunate events. What would have had me cringing in a cave in my youth just isn't that big of a deal anymore.  I can laugh about this goofy shit and I generally have a more cavalier "oh, well.  Shit happens!" attitude.  THANK the gods.  I tortured myself over the little things that attracted negative attention when I was younger.  Now? Eh.  What evz.

When I was a teen, the BANE of my existence was the fucking girl-stache that emerged on my upper lip.  First it was light fuzz, no big whoop.  But then it darkened and thickened a bit.  My misplaced eyebrow MORTIFIED me.  A fucking nose neighbor!  I dealt with it by absolutely pretending that it did not exist.  If the subject came up in ANY context I would completely shut off and ignore the whole thing Sarah Palin style.  I stopped looking at my face in the mirror.  I was too embarrassed to discuss it with ANYONE.  I wasn't going to acknowledge it enough to actually take steps to do something about was just my lot in life.  As a matter of fact, there was nothing there, right?  The subject did not exist.
NOT ME!!!  Not my photo.  'Twas found via Google.

So one day I'm dinning with family at my aunt and uncle's house.  Midway through dinner, my sweet 4 year old cousin, Christopher, is sitting there staring at me.  I smile.  Talk continues.  I glance again at my cousin.  Still staring.  I raise my eyebrows at him questioningly.  Loud and strong above the conversation, that kid accuses, "Dana.  YOU have a mustache."  It's like the kid want's to know Waddaya gonna DO about it?!  I attempt to take him down with a glare unmatched by any.  He looks affronted by his discovery.  I ignore him.  I AM DYING INSIDE, CHILD.  So he turns to the rest, "Dana has a mustache?".   Everyone quiets down.
And from here the memory goes BLACK.  No idea what happened.  Perhaps my psyche trumping ego.  We'll never know.  I love my cousin.

Happily, many years later, I finally went in for my first upper lip waxing.  A revolution within!!!!BEST.THING.EVER!!!!!!!

Nowadays, I'm know for exclaiming to friends at the grocerystore , "Dig my red 'stache!  Just got waxed!".  It's good to be grown up.

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