May 4, 2013

My favorite this moment.

And I'm to pick ONE?!?!?  O Laughable prompt!  Out of all the incredible, life changing, awe inspiring, wizened words produced by the wordsmiths and thinkers over the ages, HOW can a person possibly have ONE favorite?  Questions like these, asking for ONE absolute, I just can't possibly answer!   Favorite movie?  Can't answer with just one.  Fav book?  Fav song?  Fav food?!?!  Nope.  Unless we are talking about what I'm feeling in the moment....this minute, or today, or this week, lately, at this stage of my life.....  Certainly I have a very hard time with the concept of picking ONE favorite something OF ALL TIME. 

So, in this moment, the abstraction of first becoming intrinsically what you would like to behold in the world really resonates with me.  In my last post I eluded to the fact that in my younger more altruistic days I was the one taking in the "strays" trying to help them, change them...I was the one out there trying to convince my community, my state, my country, my world to change.   Completely forgetting that I had some major changing to do myself.  Mainly learning to accept and love myself and to truly become what I "preach".   The Dali Lama speaks of first making peace within ourselves before we can expect it in the world around us.  Simple and profound.

Ah!  I have just been alerted by Miles of quite the orphic insight by the 5 year old son of our friends, Mary and Martin:
 "Well, I guess you CAN worry about ninjas if you want to. But don't worry about them too long."
 Ok, THAT'S my new favorite quote!!!!

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