June 17, 2013

Father's Day...AND our 11th Anniversary!

We spent it opening prezzies, eating cinnamon rolls, just futzing around outside in the gorgeous weather, playing in the hose, working on some canvases, and organizing gear for our Annual Russian River trip.  A mellow, lovely day....missing Dylan terribly-we got no call from her and were sad and worried that her flight had effed up and they all got their Sunday call taken away :(   She did call the next day and that filled us wit GLEEEEEE! 
Happy Father's Day and 11th Anniversary, Baby!!!!  11 years strong and it's only getting better, my love!!!!! You are my anchor, my biggest supporter, my playmate(and I mean that in an innocent way, for all you sickos out there), the daddy of my children-the best ever, lover, snuggle bunny and my best friend. I love the journeys and the adventure that is our life together! I am one honored and grateful wife!!!! I heart you, Miles D. Pruner xoxoxoxox!!!!!!!!!

Our day.... 

Fly tying lesson!

Gear at the ready!

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