June 9, 2013

Return of the BREWBIES! The Run For Women 2013

Back again!  The Great Northern Brewers Club BREWBIES get their run on. This year I ran it a minute and a half-ish faster then last year!  With this season's lack of consistent training, I was pretty happy with that!
They always put on a damn great shindig for this event!  Thankful for all involved.  I ran for Suzanne this year.  Even though her cancer is not breast related.  There should just be an all encompassing cancer month, shouldn't there?
Thinking of Suzanne and Dylan....and all that they are going through and facing gave me a lot of power...a lot of wind under my wings....I ran for both of them.....
Pre-race with the Brewbies

Right after the race.  Gimme water and bananas.  And always a supportive hug from my little girl!

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