June 3, 2013

This last month of writting

25 posts in one month!  I've actually surprised myself!  With all the busy chaos this past month I really didn't think I would be doing many posts at all....but sitting down and writing in the morning actually brought me a lot of comfort and clarity.  It got my brain moving in a way that no ADD med ever has.  I very much enjoyed the challenge, and when there was a day that I just couldn't get to a prompt, or just skipped it because the prompt didn't interest me, I found that I missed the opportunity to write something.

I've found a lot of current and old challenges such as the one I just finished, as well as a bunch of intriguing questions from a plethora of memes.  I'm thinking of continuing along in this writing prompt vain and using the topics and questions I've found.  I'm hoping the prompts will help my writing evolve into a daily habit.  I'd also like to look into some photo memes and challenges to incorporate as well...

A physically active week ahead...another NYL softball game tonight, land and lake rowing practices for this Sunday's regatta and the Alaska Run for Women on Saturday.  Hoping to get in another good hike with Willa-who is almost out-hiking me these days!-this week as well!

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