July 14, 2013

Mind blown!

We got a letter from Dylan today....she's actually sent us lots!  We were told not to expect much in the way of letter writing and calls but we've received a bunch of wonderful letter's.  Some expressing some intense personal emotions, some offering us the words we were really needing to hear, and some filled with funny, interesting, and exciting Basic Training going-ons(especially now that she is nearing the end!)....and all filled with love.  She included her military photos for us in today's letter which was a treat.  And very SURREAL.  Here she is!

My first thoughts were that she looks ADORABLE and proud....and WHERE is my BABY?!?!?  She's here in an AirForce uniform?!??!  About to turn 18 and head to tech school?!?    It really is hitting home that this isn't just some vacation or month long trip to Europe for her....  She will never be returning to live in our home as a child.  There is such a deep sadness there.  And I actually feel SICK that I can't be there for her graduation from Basic and 18th birthday next Thursday.  We'll be there for her graduation from Tech school in a few months....but her getting through Basic Training will probably be one of THE most intense, emotional and gratifying things she'll ever do.  I so terribly wish we could be there in person to hold her tight at the end of it and to tell her how proud we are of her.  I'm thankful that her best friend Katie will be heading down to spend graduation with her.  They'll take off and do some fun things together....be GIRLS again.

I'm one sad and proud mama today....

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