July 1, 2013

Swing Shift

On days when I'm not able to set up play dates with friends, and since our built in "babysister" is in the Air Force, Willa comes with me to work.  She enjoys hanging around the therapy room with me, getting the occasional chair massage, exercising, chatting with my co-workers and watching a video in the kid's area when I have a client in for an hour massage.  I like that she still enjoys coming to work with mommy. :)
Today after work, since it was yet another warm lovely day, we'd thought we'd head to Westchester
Lagoon and check out that groovy playground that we'd been eyeing for awhile.  Not only is the equipment here versatile, fun and different then the standard, it's also pretty damned COOL looking!  Like pieces of modern art!  Something you might find from Alexander Calder....or Matisse!

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