July 29, 2013

Yesterday was a SCORCHER!

A "Scorcher" here in Alaska counts as the high 80's-and we're talking heat from solar radiation, not necessarily the true temperature which was probably, like, 73.  But for an Alaskan to RUN in those temps when we're used to training in overcast summers in the low 60's....holy SHIT was that a brutal 6.5 mile run Miles and I did.  Doesn't help that I've only run twice in the last month and a half since spraining my ankle....
We ran from the house to the bridge and back...with my obligatory yet very welcome dip in the 40-ish degree waters of the glacier fed South Fork river.  Despite a shower at home, we never really cooled off.  We cleared objects away from the house to prep for the staining/painting that's planned, Miles weed wacked, we got our gear ready for the Salmonstock road trip this Thursday, and at 0'beer:30 we had a beer -me, bikini top clad-on the deck where the temps rose to 95 against the house, sweat dripping down my legs, so we headed back inside like a couple of total pussies.  I can't wait until we expand the deck out from the house where it would have been 10 degrees cooler, as well as have room for our table and umbrella.  Assuming, of course, that we'll have more summers like this one!

Hot, hazy, tuff 6.5 mile run on the South Fork trail with my hunny.  Posing kickin' it in the river for about 3 seconds before body starts to not function right!

Whew! Almost 71 degrees in the shade and 95.5 sitting on the deck

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