December 17, 2013

Yummy fractions! Or, how I started to finally love math

What better way to introduce fractions then by using baking and the delicious results to demonstrate the concepts!!!  Through the life cycle of any given baked's all ABOUT fractions and science!  Here's a photo journey of our 2 day baking fun with Willa's 4th grade class:


The wooden spoons that Willa's class made last year in 3rd grade!  Whittled, sanded, and oiled from blocks of wood.  Each one as individual and unique a the child that created it!

I love a good busy classroom mess!

The wonderful Mr. Gillum who co-taught with Ms. Drinen when she wasn't feeling well

Break time....engrossed in an interesting book!

My kind of fractions!!!!

Each kid got to take home a nice Tupperware full of the goodies they helped create.

AND!!! I am so VERY HAPPY to announce that Ms. Drinen finished up her 6 months of chemo at the end of November.  It was not an easy time for her to say the least.  But what she WAS able to give to our children was mind-blowing....above and beyond.  Her final tests have come back free and clear....she is now vacationing in Hawaii....and hopefully well on her way to healing from the meds that eradicated her cancer.  What an amazing and inspiring person.

We love you very much, Suzanne!!!!!
Opening one of her Christmas prezzies.  A schweet wad-o-cash for her vacation!  Cha-ching!

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