June 5, 2014

Shit has gotten real! Boots are on the ground in Italy!

This feels so weird.  It's been so long since I last posted anything, and there has been tons to post about!  Alaska spring, training for the half marathon, end of the school year field trips, festivities, and performances, bike rides, finally finding a new job(!!!!!), and much else.  But amoung it all, writing about it just wasn't top priority.  
Flash forward....and WE ARE HERE!!!!  A 

long haul flight to Frankfurt, a quickie to Venice and we were greeted at the airport by our Dylan.  It's so wonderful to be with her again!  7 months is too dn long...
So far we have had a our first amazing meal with killer bottle of wine, 

woken to to loveliest birdsong out our open window, 

met some really friendly travelin' Canadians, shopped for essentials on base, I ate a whole pizza and then worked a tad of it off lifting weights with my kick-ass daughter, 

drove our stick shift on some pretty hairy roads to wind up in our current spot on Lake Barcisat the base of the Dolomites.  The jet lag isn't as bad as I thought, but there none the less.  So far I'm a little scashad but embracing the adventure!  Italy is rich and aged and fertile.... And the mountains......BREATHING it into my soul.
Today Dylan is driving us to Lignano beach for a day in the hot sun and cold water...I feel a nap looming....  Tonight, steaks on the barbie, local wine, and a walk along the lake.

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