April 10, 2008

No such thing as GLOBAL WARMING! Nah..

Well, from what I've seen and heard from other blogs and comments, We're not the only ones "re-visiting" winter!

On a totally different note, I just posted a meme but it posted under yesturday's post. What gives with that?! Is it because I started writing it yesturday? I'm new to the blogging thing and still learning... Anyone know how I can post an older entry on the day that I'm actually posting? Am I even making sense?!?!?


Ima Geek

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Ok. If you start a draft on Monday, it will post on Monday.
    To change that you need to press the button under the post box.
    I think it says "properties" or something similar.
    Then you will have access to the post's date & time & you can change it.
    Hope this makes sense.
    I'm really enjoying your blogs...Xxx
