April 16, 2008

Traumatized! Injured! And cantankerous!

Why am I traumatized? Saturday. Birthday party. Chuck E. Cheese. That’s effing why. Need I say more?

Injured? Cuz it snowed- AGAIN- Monday night. Enough to gently cover the roads in a soft white blanky while we all slept. “We” including all the fancy shiny plows and sanders and the folks who operate them. Unsuspecting cars off the road everywhere the next morning. Not including mine, though. After taking note that my car was NOT curving with the road down the steep hill to the bridge, I just shot us up a VERY conveniently-by the love-o-god- placed rocky rutty nasty steep driveway. Badda bing badda bang badda boom bumpity bump bump…. WHIPLASH .

Cantankerous? Because it’s supposed to be fucking spring and I have WHIPLASH. And Chuck E. Cheese nightmares.
‘Scuse my Fronch.
Oh. And now my car is stuck SIDEWAYS in the driveway.
Gonna be kind to myself and go buy a scroll saw. RIGHT Mama Randa?!?!?!?!?!?? When the car gets unstuck. Sweet.

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