June 4, 2008


I'm off to work but just had to acknowledge that this is an amazing time in history. I’ve been so thrilled, uplifted and proud to have finally witnessed an election where both a woman and an African American ran hard and long for the Democratic Nomination for President. And while I’ve become so disappointed in Hillary Clinton's dirty tactics, I would still not have had a problem voting for her if she clinched the nomination. But I don’t believe she has and I’m overjoyed and filled with sanguinity at the idea of Barack Obama becoming our next president. For the first time in my voting life, I’ve felt like I haven’t been forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. And that is such an amazing and invigorating feeling. And yes, (to join in the redundancy) in this very frightening and unsteady time, I am imbued with HOPE for ours and our children’s futures.


  1. I'm with ya! The thought of having someone to vote for that makes me have a glimmer of hope in the future. Very exciting! Now we just have to make sure he wins!
    Oh, I love your nature sounds so soothing! Mine stopped working:{
    Then they kept telling me I have the wrong pass word to make a new one, frustrating!!!

  2. Yes, it is exciting! I agree with Anet --- now we need to be sure he WINS! I couldn't handle another 4 years of what we have. It is a great time, though. Exciting!

  3. Those last words you said sum up exactly how I'm feeling as well...I have hope! This could be a very good time for our country.

  4. Its such wonderful news. Here in lil old NZ we are rooting for Obama, saying you support GWB down here would be social suicide - so the reaction to Obama's nomination has been really great - it might just restore faith in the good old US of A.

  5. I have hope as well and am also voting for the first time for someone I really want to see win! Nice to find your blog.

  6. Oh yes, the lesser of two evils...how I am sick of that!

  7. Me too, girl, me too. This is an exciting time for our country.

  8. How's that hope and change working out now??? Seems kinda like a slogan to get elected, huh?

    Great blog. Keep up the creative work.
