July 15, 2008


7/23/08: I've come back to expunge the majority of the original "rant". The whole situation on your part was just sad. Pathetic. And I'm pissed at myself for playing into it. But I guess it was worth the ejection of 7 years worth of feelings -after 7 years of not really having a voice about it.
I leave you with this:
Shame on you. After the divorce my husband bent over backwards for you. To protect you. You will never know the extent he went to in protecting your feelings with the hopes that you could heal and be an appropriate mother. NOTHING that has transpired in the last 7 years was done with the purpose of hurting you. If, in our attempts to do the right thing for our child, you have suffered…what can I say? IT HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT YOU. Only my daughter and what was best for her. When we decided it was best to give up and not push your relationship with Dea there was no sense of vengeance. There was…..nothing(with the exceptions of the times that your actions or inaction's hurt Dea. Then, of course, there was distress). We have a blessed and ever evolving life with our children, family and friends. Our time is WAY too precious to spend trying to make you PAY for your past addictions or mistakes(Who CARES anymore?!), much less give you much of a thought. Get over yourself-It’s not ALWAYS ABOUT LISA... We never sought out your personal information. YOU revealed your lifestyle to us through your own carelessness. What, exactly, were we to do with that? We did what any good parent would do. The only thing we are "guilty" of is being insensate when dealing with an unreasonable person regarding the future of our child.

I hope someday you get the help you need to release yourself from your need to seek us out after all this time and unleash your paranoia upon us. No one is hunting you down, seeking revenge, or demanding reparations. It was, in fact, YOU who found this blog, somehow. It was YOU doing the hunting and harassing. Transference, much?! Can you not see that? In addition to the hurts of the past, you've now re-entered and invaded OUR lives. It is SO HARD to forgive the past when one attempts to PURPOSELY emotionally assault another with the vindictive intent to cause pain and embarrassment. And now I'm guilty of the same thing. I apologize for sinking to your level. But when it comes to an off beam attack on me or my family...I will state the TRUTH loud and clear.
I wish you the peace of mind you need and that someday your demons will rest. Always have.

*Photo of owl protecting her nest: Copyright © John Henderickson. I WISH I took that pic!


  1. WOW. I missed the actual comment yesterday, and only started reading your blog this past week, so I know little about your family life. I simply liked the fact that you lived in AK and did cool crafty stuff and say the f word on your other blog! But now, you have my DEEPEST sympathy for what it appears you have been through, AND for this idiot who appeared to hijack your blog.And your mind, and time. Life's too good to spend ANY time on idiots like this.
    As to her real identity, I am curious. No guesses, unless it were actually the mom herself? But I will be watching to see who it might be - and then hope you don't have to spend ANY more time on it. Life's too short - and beautiful - to live with this crap.

  2. I don't even want to read it all, as it is not for me. But I read enough of the beginning to understand what is happening. I do think that is one of the ugly things with the "anonymity" of the internet...posting comments like that without a profile is a cowards way. We have all had some crazy or inappropriate comments - hence even having moderating comments being a choice. Blech.

    I'm sure it is annoying and stressful--not like you don't have other things to do. Like live your life with your children and your husband. *hugs*

  3. I'm so sorry that someone used your blog as a place to try and hurt you. I don't blame you for being angry. My heart aches for you and your family after reading this. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. Wow, I'm guessing she's a nosey, clueless busy body and some other choice words. Not sure if she's the ex or the friend of the ex either way God bless you and your husband for taking such good care of your daughter. Big hugs to you and hopefully this doesn't sink in to your beautiful spirit. Peace!

  5. Well, there just aren't words.
    I am so sorry that your space and life were violated (in what should be YOUR space) causing you to have to dig up and address so much pain. I can't even imagine what it will take to help you find your center again but I am sending you and Dea many many hugs........

  6. I'm so sorry that you and your family have had this kind of pain for so long. I can understand you wanting to defend yourself! Good thing there is lots of love in your home--that will heal many wounds.

  7. wow. speechless. so sorry you have had to deal with something/someone of this magnitude. but i especially feel for your daughter. i hope you all find closure and peace from this. sending positive energy your way. best to you and your family.

  8. bloggy friends, your words mean more than you can and after a long day have brought me to tears. Dea knows nothing of this. She has had 2 years so far of relief and peace allowing her own healing to get underway. And our's (on certain levels) was as well. But when someone out of nowhere interlopes on your space and attempts to rip open wounds... It makes it really hard to forgive when another load of crap is piled on that you have to weed your way through.
    But it happened. It's done. The rant was cathartic after all these years and gives me a sense of clarity.
    And your words are balm for the soul.
    I thank you all again, friends.

  9. that would be "more than you can KNOW" !!!


  10. So sorry about all of this.....

    I know how it is for me to deal with my own psychotic ex and his nasty henchmen. Not fun.

    Hang in there!

    And by the way, you're a lovely mom. ;)

  11. Oh yi!

    I'm sorry, it's a messed up place and some of us are entrusted with the clean up.

    I send you love and light and healing and then peace and tranquility and then more love.

    I too had to enable comment moderation after a vicious attack by someone who didn't even know me. Similar statements about how I speak of peace and love, by I'm racist and a hipocrit. I was hurt. But then I realized how hurt this person was. I wished them well on their journey.


  12. I adore the photo of the owl! Did you take it?

    South Africa

  13. I think you're doing an awesome job doing what's best for your daughter and family-kudos!

  14. WOW is all I can say...and what a bummer to be dealing with this...

    I just have to say that your blog is inspiring and amazing...and your girls look very grounded and happy!
