December 13, 2008

Random Pictures Friday....on Saturday.

A round-up of the week's pictures:

Last light

Dea's Junior Flute Choir concert-The kid has a GIFT...

Anchorage nut job's decorated house. I guess they win the X-mas Lights prize! Can you imagine the electric bill?!?!?

The imagination on this kid. "Fire breathing" dragon. Ya gotta love those silkies!!! They can become ANYTHING!!!

Walk by shooting-trying to capture the new hair color.

Trippy skychair shenanigans

Tonight's New York Life Holiday Party.


  1. Great week and photos! That moon is incredible! I was too lazy and cold to go outside to see it last night.

  2. You take such great photos. I loved the fire breathing dragon. The moon photo is gorgeous. It was too cloudy last night for me to see it, and I really wanted to.
