June 4, 2009

Now, from the bottom looking up!

We decided to fit in a nice long mommy/daughters hike up our valley yesterday to have some quality together time since Dea leaves for Europe TOMORROW(!!!). It was a hazy but bright warm day with a welcome breeze. It was Lo's longest hike yet. 8 miles out to "table rock-the table of the GODS!" A huge flat rock perfect for having your lunch, taking a siesta, playing, or all of the above. The complaints were minimal and totally expected for such a long day of it, but Lo held up like a trooper and we all had lots of fun exploring on our adventure.

Here is a photo taken from the big pond looking back at Harp mountain and it's 3 "humps" leading to the top:

And here's a photo of last week's Celtic Harp hike and the view up our valley. You can see several ponds and 2 lakes at the end:

Finally! Heading in to our goal-Table Rock

Blueberry blossoms, cinquifoil, Lichen heart, spruce needles, Labrador tea(yum!):

Heading back down the valley toward home and well deserved burgers and Mac!


  1. You truly live in a magical place! How wonderful that you take the time to explore with your family. Beautiful pics.

  2. Those are absolutely amazing pictures! I love the first picture being labeled! It helps me get a clear mental image of exactly where you are.

  3. Gorgeous photos...hope she has safe travels!!

  4. Breathtaking! What's the elevation at your house? Of those mountains? I can almost feel the air on my skin....
