July 11, 2009

Sisters united

(Road trip snoozin')


  1. A beautiful photo, and I'm sure a beautiful feeling in your heart as you saw the 2 of them together...

  2. Precious....:)

    Sometimes my daughter falls asleep in her little brother bed when she has been reading him a night time story.
    (She loves reading to him.) It's so sweet see them asleep snuggled up together with the book still in her hand. While I've been getting their 2 year old brother off to sleep. (he likes his night time boobie still)
    Sometimes he takes forever to get off to sleep. :)

  3. That photo is so sweet. I bet they missed each other while they were apart.
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you all the best as you grieve and heal from the loss and trauma you've suffered recently.

  4. Sweet girls you have there. xx

  5. sleepy kiddo's in the car...well that is the best!
