December 3, 2009

Celebrating Advent-Week one, the Mineral Kingdom

Beneath night's dark blanket
a white candle is lit.
A warm Advent gift,
the flame of human spirit.

With this first light of Advent,
we give thanks to the stones.
To the shells and the sand,
to the crystals and bones.

Bless the strength
and support they provide,
holding us steady
on our foundation outside.

Bless their beauty
and inner light.
Illuminating our lives
in the darkest of nights.

Anticipating the return of the light, both the physical and the spiritual, is a revered and important event -especially living here in Alaska where our days are currently averaging about 6 hours of daylight! At a time when the outer world is asleep, we attempt to temper our own deep inward turning with the reawakening and aching longing for light. Whether wrestling with ones demons, coming to peace, or warmly incubating the next step of one's evolution...the Advent season is a most welcome time.

About 3 years ago, around the winter holidays, I got the inspiration to create a Better Advent Calender. Actually, I was just beginning my journey into the philosophies of Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf education . The plastic and/or obnoxious toys had recently been donated and I was anticipating the wonderful new natural toys that "Santa" would bring. At the same time, I wanted to make the season meaningful with less emphasis on list making and mall shoppping . I wanted it to truly be a SEASON of celebrating, sharing, giving, and above all, being thankful. I was tired of hectic, arrhythmical days after Thanksgiving leading up to the One Carnal Christmas Day Frenzy and the CRASH soon after. Our society has distilled the Advent season down to Black Friday, advertising bombardments, and a simple cardboard calendar containing cheap waxy chocolates under it's flimsy doors. I wanted something more for my family. I created our current Advent calendar containing the occasional chocolate, but also little gemstones and gift cards for special events like sledding at the park, an owling walk, a foot rub... We had always made our own Christmas cards and yearly ornament, but now it was the start of emphasising gift giving from the heart. I helped to kids to come up with handmade gift ideas for our family and close friends. Things they would enjoy making and feel proud to give, knowing the recipient would cherish their gift.

Last year was my first attempt at incorporating the 4 weeks of Advent into our holiday season. Each week is a celebration of one of the four worldly Kingdoms: Mineral, plant, animal and human. A new candle is lit for each Sunday of Advent, and depending on what Kingdom is being celebrated that week, we add special items to the the nature table, read stories and poems, perform table plays, make crafts, and enjoy special outings. The morning after each Advent Sunday, a gift from the Advent gnomes can be found on the nature table. Yesterday, Lo found the beautiful tall quartz behind the candle that you see in the photo above! For week four, I'm sure the gnomes will bring our new Mary and Joseph to the nature table. And, of course, sometime on Christmas Eve the Child of Light will appear with them.

Here are some of our Advent ideas for this season:

The Mineral Kingdom

Trip to the crystal and rock store
Add rocks, gemstones, crystals, bones, and shells to our nature table and candle.
Dig out the bags of rocks and shells we have for counting, sorting, building, and creating designs and patterns.
Basalt stones that we have collected from Alaska rivers can be warmed up and used for massage or just to hold in your hands. WONDERFUL on a cold winter day! Yay Kingdom of Stones!
Read the Festival of Stones from Tiptoes Lightly-The Festival of Stones

The Plant Kingdom
This year will be our first trip out to buy a REAL tree!
Collect pine boughs for decorating
Trim the tree
Add pomander balls, pomegranates, and plants to the nature table
Feed our many hungry houseplants with fertilizer
Make a yummy holiday salad with dried cranberries and winter nuts
Trip to the botanical garden
You can order gifts from companies using GoZero to eliminate the carbon footprint of online shipping!
Read The Festival of Plants from Tiptoes Lightly

The Animal Kingdom
Add little wood and felt animals, feathers, tufts of fur to the nature table
Volunteer to walk dogs at the Humane Society
Groom our nappy pets
Make treats for the hungry birds outside
Take a winter trip to the zoo!
Read the Festival of Animals from Tiptoes Lightly

The Human Kingdom
Add gnomes, and fairies to our Mary and Joseph on the nature table

Adopt an American soldier and send a care package- Soldier's Angels
Buy a chicken, goat, or even a yak for a family in an impoverished country!
Visit our elders at a nursing home
Bake and deliver goodies to our neighbors
Enjoy all the socializing that we do with our loved ones this time of year!
Read the Festival of Light from Tiptoes Lightly

*Ecofun gift ideas:

for those kiddos who would love to help with cutting the firewood for warm toasty woodstoves-SAFELY! Head over to Learning Apple Gardens and their Etsy shop for wooden chainsaws!

*Nicola from Which Name? is doing a giveaway for one of her amazing natural crayon caddies on her wonderful blog this week! Please do take a moment to check it out!*


  1. What great ideas! I love this. :)

  2. This is such a beautiful post! I love all your ideas for activities that go with each week of advent.

  3. Oh, what an amazing approach. Love the photo in the banner of your daughter (I guess) with the ice!
    Thanks for visiting my blog today and entering my giveaway.
    I'm putting your blog on my google reader - really enjoyed checking it out.

  4. This is such a fantastic post! Gorgeous photo and really useful ideas on how to celebrate Advent! Being relatively new to Waldorf, I feel a bit lost in the actual practice of the celebrations and your post has really helped to connect the dots for me! Thank you!

  5. Thank you for your lovely words on my blog. What an amazing list you have come up with for advent! I will have to catch up with your blog.

  6. love the photo and the verse sounds like you have some wonderful ideas!

  7. When the page loaded and your header popped up, I was hooked! You've been marked as a favorite.
    This lovely post on Advent, I just love...but the wooden chainsaw, to charming for words!

  8. Wow...your advent pic is absolutely beautiful!! I love it :D
    Thank you for sharing your advent verse. This is the first year for us to try and incorporate advent into our tradition. I love seeing what everyone else is doing. Great blog!

  9. I love the idea..will try it next year

  10. Thanks for dropping by-- this is a fascinating blog!

    I have always wanted to do Advent and being Eastern Orthodox, it should be a snap, but I didn't buy an Advent wreath yet AGAIN this year. It was in the plans, then my house burned down and everything went crazy. I will definitely implement some of your ideas for next year's Advent period.

    Do you know that there is a Waldorf school getting off the ground in Mat-Su?

    I have been interesting in the writing methods of Steiner-- I love everything, but you have to start somewhere, you know.

    It's good to meet more like mended people!

  11. We do the same thing with our nativity scene-- we add to it week to week, following the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms:) And our other favorite traditions-- participating in an advent garden and our family solstice walk (when we head to the woods with pine cone birdfeeders and other wildlife treats) are so spiritually filling... I wrote a bit about needing to let go of the stress and settle into the magic here:

    so glad to have found your blog!

  12. Acck! I somehow stopped getting updates in my reader. Grrrrr. Anyways, great post! Love the new header, too :) Did you ever get the new camera?

  13. that is such a lovely advent calendar! a wonderful way to begin the season.

  14. Like your blog. DD really likes your penguins.

  15. wow! very inspiring ideas! thanks for visiting my blog! my best friend lives in anchorage and i always feel like such a wimp when i complain of the cold only to learn she's jogged her daughter to preschool in the jogger in 5 degree weather. in the dark. brrr. you have a beautiful blog. i am adding you to my reader!

  16. Hi! I love that your advent calendar celebrates the seasons! I'm so glad that you gave me a link to your blog - I'm already inspired!


  17. your photo is just gorgeous!!

    we do a walnut chain advent calendar and this year i loaded it up according to the, shells, crystals...then dried flowers, seeds, pine cones...then tiny glass animals...lastly tiny gnomes, angels and fairies and baby jesus made out of beeswax.

    thanks for your nice comments on my blog. i appreciate them greaty.


  18. Thanks for visiting my blog...enjoy this great Holiday Season. I will come visit again soon.

  19. Thanks for your kind remarks on my blog! Yours is so lovely! Great photos and great tutorials - looking forward to visiting back!

  20. Thank you so much for visiting my blog:) I have really enjoyed having a look around yours, so many lovely posts here, I will have to return on a regular basis:)

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I love your ideas for an activity-based advent calendar!
