Well, here are the current Works in Progress....the new addition aaaand I'm building my "official and bonafide" artist WEBSITE!
Yay! I have my own .COM! Come check it out and say "HI"!!!! You'll find my galleries of paintings-available and sold works- and photography, a shop and a strictly art related blog.
Which brings me to this one. I miss writing in it....and wish I could post more often. I'd like to make more of an effort to get back into the swing of things....but if I'm going to do so, I MUST get back to the first and REAL reason I started the blog in the first place....to have a more fun and stimulating way to journal on a regular basis. I've had a great time sharing my thoughts, photos, art, and tutorials with so many amazing people. But this blog became exactly what I didn't want it to be...a blog being created mostly for what I thought other people would want to see and read.
I felt that I had to exclude the simple and perhaps uninteresting daily things that go on in our life. I got caught up in not wanting to bore or turn people off. And so, while being a great blog, IMO, it lacks the everyday-and MOST important- aspects of my life. And to leave these pieces out is not truly who I am.
Also, I found that I was putting more emphasis on the share-ibility of our activities, crafts etc. then on just letting things happen randomly and spontaneously and writing about THAT. Foremost on my mind was, "Will people like this?" It all became ABOUT THE BLOG. "Will this bring in readers?" I was taking pictures of EVRYTHING...but not always from the heart or the seat of creativity. They were more snapshots then art. Things started to feel like they were being structured for other people's acceptance. This is in NO WAY to say that what we did or what I felt and blogged about was not true or sincere....there was just that slight paradigm shift of intention...from what came along naturally to what I hoped would be the end result-a great blog post. Not in EVERY post…but too often for my taste.
In the last few months, I've posted less and less and just let things happen in our lives. I’ve stopped researching activities and craft ideas in order to come up with the most exciting package for my blog. I’ve let Lo take the reins much of the time-when she's HOME, that is!-and steer us in the directions of her interests. And while these things are sometimes a lot less exciting then all the latest and greatest wonderful stuff out there in the blogoshpere, we have experienced them whole heartedly and with more open free souls. No worrying about camera angles and what will look and sound best FOR THE BLOG. My Facebook page is more along the lines of an accurate diary! I wish I had a quick way to just post my daily FB statuses HERE. I'm really thinking along THOSE lines for this blog’s future. When time permits, I STILL hope to be able to share activities and tutorials that we do, to spend extra time elaborating on the more in-depth thoughts and opinions that bubble up, but this blog will basically be making a turn toward the brief touchings on the day. A short paragraph? A simple photo? A shared link? And many may find that mundane....who knows. But at least it's something! Something to look back at as time goes on, serving the purpose of a journal or diary. Something that is ME....for ME. This is from my very first blog post: "This blog will be about my family and our experiences- with an emphasis on Waldorf education and how I'm implementing it into our lifestyle. With each passing year I realize how many details I forget over time and the fear of loosing those precious "gems" has prompted me to get this stuff documented."
It has be as simple as that.
On to the new addition! It’s still going slower then molasses in January, but at least she’s buttoned up as of last week. Next is the trim and metal roof so we can get rid of the scaffolding and finally have our garage back!! Then come the floor issues. The a-hole who originally built the garage screwed up the ceiling. Even though we told him we were planning on building TWO floors onto it in the future!!!!!! It’s over spanned and we have to somehow shore it up. After that we insulate, sheet rock, mud/tape. Between this and putting in the floors, I’m going to claim the room as my temporary studio. Room to make a MESS!!!! And a fab view to boot!
And then….the floors! Wood floors throughout and into the existing house! And then…redecorating!!!!!
But, fuck, the way things are going….it’ll be MONTHS.
Onward ho.
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