June 28, 2011

Russian River 2011: The Fishing!

We're baaaaaaaack!  Succeeeeeeeee-eeessssss!!!!  On many levels!  What a fekkin BLAST it was!  Fish in the river....food...and a bunch of friends coming and going...I definitely could have gone a few more days in the peaceful beauty of that magical place!

There was more action on the river this year than last year...but still not the usual load of sockeye salmon coming through.  (Scary to think why that may be....)  The first day was crankin', with all of  us limiting out with 3 reds each.  Even Willa caught one!  We fished up river which is much more preferable to the CHAOS on the Confluence of the Russian and Kenai rivers.  Quiet yet teaming with life and excitement.

The way we roll on these fishing gigs is this:  Arrive at the campground after 2 pm, explore our new territory, eat, set up rigs, jump into waders and head down to fish.  When we fish, we're out there for about 3-6 hours depending on how the fish are running.  The next moring we're up at 4am for another round  before we come back to the camp for napping, eating, goofin around.  Dylan and I trade off sleeping in with Willa in the mornings so that she doesn't have to get up that early!  Then at around 4pm we all head down for the final fishing of the day.  Next day, repeat.  All this after usually staying up past 1am eating Ray's PHENOMENAL food and enjoying the company of friends!  THE PERFECT day of fishing is getting up early, limiting out within 3 hours, and having the whole rest of the day to relax and have fun.  We didn't have any of those "perfect" days this year...the next 3 days brought me some good fight action, but no fish on.  Miles came out with 4 more and Dylan, 1.  14 in total....we didn't kill 'em but with lots of fights , it wasn't too shabby an experience either.

Next up:  Food and friends and bears, OH MY!
In action

Setting up flies

Jim's first Russian River red!

Vicki working a snag

An excited Willa hanging onto Daddy and waiting for a fish

Willa's fish

Dylan's first fish of the day

 Smoochie boochins!!!!!!

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