July 5, 2011

Russian River 2011: The Friends!

Pretty much the BEST part of the trip?  Friends.  We were SO happy that so many people were able to show up for this wacky shindy!  Folks from all walks...from 7 years old to retired..from a su chef to a Senator.  Some folks stayed the whole time, others came and went as they needed, always a busy place.  It was fun to have a lot of Dylan's friends around, too.  Some were staying in our next door neighbor's camp and a couple stayed in ours.  It was great to have that teen energy and humor around!  A great bunch of kids!

I relished all the company,  great conversation, and much silliness in such a fantastic environment.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.  Sounds like we'll have plenty of people returning next year!  We need to come up with a NAME for this gig.....

The calm before the gonzo cooking starts!
Peggy French and Vicki

"mumfff muh muwflmf"


Look at those wonderful fresh faces!!!  Thank you, guys, for being AWESOME!!!!

Sistah love

Senator Hollis French and Miles waiting for Ray to make FLAMES!

Tia and Willa

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