March 11, 2012


HEAR:  Our African clawed frog croaking away.  He's either really happy I cleaned his nasty tank today, or really pissed off because he likes the tank stagnant and stinky and full of slime.  Sorry, Scoot.

SEE:  Myself surrounded by white and blue....

SMELL:  Hops.  We racked the Belgian Trappist Ale- Orval clone to the secondary.

TASTE:  Enjoying our Road Rash red ale at the mo.

FEEL:  Rewarded.  Cleaned the nasty tank, helped Willa with her room, went on a wonderful snowshoe with Miles up the valley, beer racked, Chicken parm in oven, LOTR on the tube....and hoping the clouds clear so I can take photos of the northern lights tonight!

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