June 17, 2012

Our 10 year anniversary!

The first thing that comes to mind when I write this is the fact that My husband and I don't really need a special day to celebrate and tell each other how we feel about one another.  But, 10 years IS a milestone.  Loving sentiments are things that we say to each other-things that we sit and talk and WONDER about- almost on a daily basis.  I'm blessed (and a little intimidated!) by the ways Miles always words his love for me...  He can encompass what lives in both our hearts and navigates our days together in just a few beautiful sentences...leaving me lacking in words and loving him fiercely.

I love that after 10 years, holding hands, laughing together, displaying our love still comes so naturally to us…it’s apparent to everyone and I hope it inspires.  These last 10 years have gone in a blink of an eye and yet have been SO FULL with all the amazing LIVING we do.  I am unendingly grateful for this life we share full of love, patience, laughter, tears, support, respect, worry, exploration, admiration, evolution, joy, and contentment.  Miles Pruner, you are my best friend and soul mate and I am honored to walk through the years of life with you.  The greatest happiness is looking forward to many more.

I love you beyond the beyond, my husband…and I thank you for being YOU.

The Odd Couple!

And on this Father's day, to the man who lives to be a DAD, one rarely meets a father who loves so intensely, who is so dedicated, who's soul's food is his family. I adore you and THANK you, my LOVE...

And then heading off to the Double Musky in Girdwood for dinner!

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