June 9, 2012

The Skinny Raven Twilight 12K!

2 Races in under 1 week!  Whoo-hoo!!!  And I'm headed to another one (The Alaska Run for Women 5K) this morning-making it 3 races in 2 weeks.
 A couple days after the 1/2 marathon, I got an FB message from our friend, Martin, wanting to know if I wanted to join him for the following Friday's Skinny Raven Twilight 12K run.  Still quite sore, I figured, "Well, what the hell...I can make it an easy run and just enjoy the atmosphere...".  Miles wanted to join, too, and by Friday we were both freshly UN-sore and ready to KILL it! 
It was a MUCH larger run-about 3000 runners as opposed to the half marathon's 200!  Such a great vibe going on at the downtown starting line at the Skinny Raven running store!  Martins wife, Mary, and their son joined Dylan and Willa as our cheering section both at the start and the finish.

The course was a challenging one with a few long hills leading us into various Anchorage neighborhoods filled with spectators-some solo on their front lawns and some holding block parties greeting us with music and cups of water-there was even a duo playing violins on one corner! Sweet!  At one point I saw a guy sitting  comfortably in a camp chair in his driveway with a rack of beer next to him...I thought,"Kinda wish I was THAT guy!".  Then I thought,"WTF?!?!?  I get to be out here RUNNING with good people, my Hunny, my friend, on a very pleasant evening through Anchorage, Alaska!  I can sit on my ass and drink a beer anytime!"  PLUS, at the end of the race BEER and PIZZA would be waiting for us at the finish line in the Park Strip!!!  What's sweeter then well earned beer and pizza?!
I ran a really good race even though I forgot my fucking Ipod...my aural motivation.  But it was ok.  While coming down the Government Hill Bridge, I pulled ahead of Miles and Martin(who had to make a pit-stop) and got into a nice zone.  NOT having the tunes allowed me to focus more on the crowds, my running mates, and everything going on around me.  Martin the Marathoner caught up to me toward the end and really encouraged me to finish strong up the last hill to the Park Strip.  Once on the grass, I was like,"WHERE'S that fuckin' finish line?!?!?"!  Martin said, "Just around the corner...I'll race ya?".  We kicked it in and pounded it out HARD to the finish line!  Of course he beat me...but what a fun end!  Miles came in 2 minutes later, we found our cheerleaders, changed into warm clothes and enjoyed the spoils of the race's end.  Food, brew, and friends.

Willa waiting at the finish line

Martin and I about to cross the finish line

Friggin photos always make it look like we're trotting when we were totally CRANKIN'!!!!

Here comes Miles!

My first race blister
Ahhhh!!  Liquid reward!

And Ms. Peggy was there!!!  Willa's Waldorf kindergarten teacher!!!

My time !!!

Cheer squad-thanks guys!!  <3!

Photo booth was set up at the finish party-SILLY!

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