July 1, 2012

Russian River- Day 2

Miles and I were awake and on the river by 5:30am.  Everyone else slept in and headed down around 11am when Miles and I were packing up for the day.  The combat fishing in that hole was the WORST I've experienced yet!  Some major ass-hats weaseling into an already uncomfortably small distance between fisherpeople... and some even fishing right over our heads!  NOT cool.  Or safe. The fishing was fairly hot at one point, though, and I caught my limit.  2 for Miles.
Dylan handed off Willa once we ran into that group and we headed back to chillax at camp.  Miles actually went back out after awhile to try and catch his 3rd red, but had no luck.  He DID capture a handsome black bear on his iphone and down on the Kenai, the late rising group found themselves in a close encounter with the mama grizzly and her 2 cubs from last summer.  All ended safely as they all made it back to camp with an excited barage of stories.

FISHING SPOT: Cottonwood hole
FISH:  5  
WEATHER: Sunny and hot, cool in the late evening
DINNER!: Pulled Kahlua pork over rice and kimchi

Woke up in the morn to find Justin's pups sleeping on Willa's fairy house.  ooops!

Combat fishing at it's finest

Late Rise group heading out to take on grizzlies!

Kahlua pork

Justin's dawg, Kona
Justin and the infamous Sky Chair.  What he went through to get that thing hung!

I MISS my dog....  It was nice to get in a good dog fix.

Kimchi on the fire and my AWESOME crocs.
Willa learning from an awesome chef

Dylan's woodland beauty shop
"They" say that Anchorage is the worst dressed city in the nation?  Well let them just GROOVE on the height of Alaska fashion...The Fish Skirt!!!   Twirls up nice!


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