November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Family, friends, football and food.....and 3 naps, and outrageously amazing bread pudding, and hiking and puppies.....another great Thanksgiving at the "Ts" house.  It was SUCKY that Dylan had to work on this day and couldn't really be with us...and that's all I have to say about THAT.  And the measly 3 inches of snow up in Bear Valley was a bummer because that meant NO pre-gobble ski for us.  Last year we were pounding it out on a couple feet of snow pack, EARNING that huge dinner!  We aint got NOTHIN snow-wise, yet.  But we did all go for a nice brisk hike on the trails.  It was no more then 10 degrees but quite sunny and it felt great to get outside and move.
After, I blearily endured THREE football games chock full of crybaby shoving, turnover by ASS and nuttiness ...napping in and out, chatting and knitting a mobius scarf when I wasn't feeding.  Snacks and turkey dinner were stellar, as usual, at the Ts.  Miles and I supplied the dessert-our usual apple-cranberry  and pumpkin pies....but Miles also made a KILLER bread pudding with Bourbon sauce.  God-DAY-UM, it was FABULOUS!!!!!!  We rolled out of there around 11pm.

Despite the lovely day, my mind has been encumbered with worry about the mysterious medical issue that Dylan has been having(I'm sure she will be's just "the not knowing what is going on"), as well as the fact that the inside of our house-EVERYTHING- is now covered in a fine layer of white drywall powder due to our sheet rocker's incompetence and I don't want to even be there.....I had to remind myself to be grateful for WHAT WE HAVE-and what we have is incredible-and to know that all will turn out just fine. 

There are always mountains to climb in life...savor every step....RUN them, in fact....because flat would be DULL AS SHIT.

While on our hike we came across some people carrying foster puppies in makeshift baby carriers!  6 week old Alaskan Huskys.  SO friggin cute!!!! 
You KNOW you want one, Hunny!!!!

SHE does!


The sun sets on Sleeping Lady

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