December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

We had a warm busy and lovely Christmas Eve.   Miles and I went for a great run in the afternoon...I am full of gratitude that I have been able to run my 4-5 mile route pain free for the last few weeks!  Let's hope I can continue to build back what I had last season.  Our appetites were primed for the feast we spent the rest of the day warm and smelling AMAZING.  Pies, pumpkin poppers, cookies, king crab, mashed taters, white trash green bean casserole, and a 10 year old wine brought up from our "wine cellar" (the crawl space).  It was a treat to FINALLY enjoy our Christmas eve dinner in our new addition!  We've set up our new dinning room in there temporarily until we get the wood floors in....which are now sitting in boxes on our floor waiting to acclimate and be installed.  Thw walls are painted, the tile is in, all we need to do not is put in the lighting, do the wood floor, and furnish it!
We cut down a monster tree from the back yard on my birthday.  It was choking out the trees next to it, so down it came....quite tall and skinny and very asymmetrical!  But decked out in it's Holiday finery it's an attractive and quirky tree.  We love it.  The room felt wonderful and spacious all aglow in candles and Christmas tree lights. 
After that glorious dinner we went for a walk in the dark and snow, goofing around and enjoying warmer temps.  We've had very little snow so far this year and are just coming out of a month of sunny blue skies and below zero temperatures!!!
The only downside to our evening was no Dylan.  In order to have Christmas day off, she had to commit to working on Thanksgiving and Christmas eve.  Such is the life of a working teen paying off a car....  Our fist Xmas eve without her...and that part really, REALLY SUCKED.

Willa making pumpkin poppers

They were SOOOOOOO yummy

A REAL dinning room table!!!

Spin the lazy susan!!!


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