May 14, 2013

10 things that make me happy

I'd like to wax deep and poetic on this one, but.....I cannot harness time:

1.  My new furniture!  Hell, the whole finished new addition and remodel!

2.  My children, always.

3.  My husband, forever
Matt Crockett Photography, BTW.

4.  Coffee....for the LOVE of GOD, man, coffee.
5.  The valley in which I live and all the beauty, wildlife, change and opportunity it offers.

6.  When my art pleases someone so much that they are willing to buy it!
7.  Running...Miles and miles and miles....

8.  Traveling/exploring
9.  When a  client tells me they feel so much relief after a massage.  Or better yet, they stop coming in because I helped fix the problem!
10.  The Harlem Shake videos!

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