May 17, 2013

"A favorite photo of yourself and why"?! Ughh.....

98%  of  photos of ME are to DIE from.  I HATE photos of me.  I see them and that is NOT what I see in the mirror!  Is THAT what people see me as??!  Hellz!  It's like hearing your recorded voice...THAT doesn't sound like me!  On the rare occasion, I'll get a decent shot.  And I don't mind displaying it on the internets!  I really like my Blogger profile picture.  My hair was shorter then,and  I think I really captured the more whimsical, fun, fresh side of myself with that one.  And then there is my FB profile pic.....THAT is what I see when I catch my reflection....
But I don't want to turn this into a vanity thing.  All these chicks on the interwebs....stay at home mommy-types with wealthy older hubbies reveling daily in their self-importance under the guise of  innocent coquette-ishy "look at the cute hipster outfit I found at the second hand shop!"  Get over yourselves!
But I've digressed.....

While this picture is not the most "pretty" one ever taken of me, it's one of the most FULL OF FUCKIN' AWESOME!!!! 

Here I am crossing the finish line of my first full MARATHON.  Somewhere between a grimace of pain and total exhilaration,  physically spent yet feeling SO alive and powerful....full of love for my husband holding my hand there and crossing with me, for my cheering children who I had just passed.....feeling PRIDE.....yelling,"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"!!!!!!!!!!!  This photo taken seconds before I burst into tears. 

I can NOT wait for this season's race!!!!!  BRING IT, BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!

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